Magnetometer-enhanced personal locator for tunnels and GPS-denied outdoor environments

Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing; Unmanned Systems Technology XIII, International Society for Optics and Photonics, Orlando, FL

Kwanmuang, Surat and Ojeda, Lauro and Borenstein, Johann


This paper describes recent advances with our earlier developed Personal Dead-reckoning (PDR) system for GPS-denied environments. The PDR system uses a foot-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that also houses a three axis- magnetometer. In earlier work we developed methods for correcting the drift errors in the accelerometers, thereby allowing very accurate measurements of distance traveled. In addition, we developed a powerful heuristic method for correcting heading errors caused by gyro drift. The heuristics exploit the rectilinear features found in almost all man- made structures and therefore limit this technology to indoor use only.

Most recently we integrated a three-axis magnetometer with the IMU, using a Kalman Filter. While it is well known that the ubiquitous magnetic disturbances found in most modern buildings render magnetometers almost completely useless indoors, these sensors are nonetheless very effective in pristine outdoor environments as well as in some tunnels and caves.

The present paper describes the integrated magnetometer/IMU system and presents detailed experimental results. Specifically, the paper reports results of an objective test conducted by Firefighters of California’s CAL-FIRE. In this particular test, two firefighters in full operational gear and one civilian hiked up a two-mile long mountain trail over rocky, sometimes steeply inclined terrain, each wearing one of our magnetometer-enhanced PDR systems but not using any GPS. During the hour-long hike the average position error was about 20 meters and the maximum error was less than 45 meters, which is about 1.4% of distance traveled for all three PDR systems.

Keywords: Personal locator, tunnels, GPS-denied, dead-reckoning, gyro, drift, position

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TITLE = {{Magnetometer-enhanced personal locator for tunnels and GPS-denied outdoor environments}},
AUTHOR = {Kwanmuang, Surat and Ojeda, Lauro and Borenstein, Johann},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing; Unmanned Systems Technology XIII},
PUBLISHER = {International Society for Optics and Photonics},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, FL},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1117/12.885346},
ISBN = {9780819485939},
ISSN = {0277786X},
YEAR = {2011},
KEYWORDS = {Accelerometers,Errors,Fire extinguishers,Gyroscope},